
Nov 8, 2010

Passing On Over

Michael Meade died today. Mike wasn’t rich or famous or successful in the ways that this world measures wealth. But he was the kindest, most decent man I ever met. His love and his humor lit up every room he ever entered. All of us who knew him were privileged to have such a good and decent friend.
When I got the news that Mike had left his body I was listening to a cassette of a marketing workshop that Diana Lynn had conducted at the ranch in Austin many years ago. Suddenly I heard a deep baritone voice laughing in the background. Naturally it was Michael, asking questions and saying “Hello”. His presence was vivid and visceral.
A famous song says that only the good die young. When Beth Ellenby passed a few years back I was profoundly touched. I came close enough to the Angel to know that we are all walking down that road. But it does seem a shame that the most loving, peaceful ones go ahead to show the way.
There is only here, and it is always now. So no one ever passes ‘away’. They just expand into all of us. That is why I wasn’t surprised to hear Mike’s booming laughter, lifting my heart with his love. In reply I want to welcome Michael to his new place in our lives.
As eternal beings, we are only awareness. The one that is reading this cannot be created or destroyed. You will always be here with us. We will always be together in our heart of hearts. But we will miss Mike's physical presence. That feeling is an essential part of our infinite love.